About Us
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About Us


Our Mission:  Enable Veterans to overcome their Invisible Wounds and live to fight another day.


Our Vision:  Reduce Veteran suicide rates nationwide through a patient-centered care program tailored to the Veteran.


21 Vets Inc was established in 2019 as a nonpartisan/nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.  We are a Veteran-centered, on-site campus, which provides our Veterans timely tailored programs, counseling, and treatment designed to foster a healthy reintegration process.  Through our organization, these free support services are offered to Veterans diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and Military Sexual Trauma (MST).  At each 21 Vets location, our six-month, nine-month, and one-year resident programs will consistently provide Veterans with direct, daily access to the clinicians and counselors needed.  Our mission is to provide Veterans a realistic and comprehensive alternative treatment to overcome their personal battles and successfully reduce Veteran suicide rates.


Sahar Osmani

CEO & Cofounder

Daniel J. Pippin

President & Founder

Francisco J Reyes, Esq.

General Counsel


Sahar Osmani

Chairman of the Board

Diane Garces

Vice Chairman

Francisco J. Reyes, Esq.

Board Member

Our commitment to excellence and passion for our Veterans will be recognized as the new standard.